What You Need to Know About Homesteading – (Part 1)

We started our homesteading journey 5 years ago and there have been ups and downs and sideways and upside-downs. Yep, we’ve experienced a lot: predators, septic problems, well problems, etc. First the Land – Where do you want to homestead? Research, research, research! If the current lot you are staying at is not your ultimate…

The Skinny on Chicken Nesting Boxes

There’s a lot of ideas floating around out there about nesting boxes. But, what is right for your chickens? and for you? Basic Requirements for Nesting Boxes The basic size of nesting boxes for chickens should be 12in x12 in x 12in. This provides enough room for a hen to comfortably enter and move around….

Keep your chickens safe: The best fencing strategy!

Predators The first thing and most important thing you have to remember when you have chickens is that: Everything loves chicken. Dogs, birds of prey, foxes, skunks, raccoons: if it eats meat it will eat your chickens when given the opportunity. Can you blame them? Chicken is pretty tasty: BBQ chicken, rotisserie chicken, baked chicken,…

Pick One Thing.

Seriously, pick one thing. Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to be healthier? How about feeling better? Pick. One. Thing. Break that one goal down into steps and focus on those individual steps — and if those steps are too big then break it down even farther. If you want to lose…

My Journey to a Healthier Lifestyle

The Struggle that Changed My Life 12 years ago I got sick and was faced with making a drastic change to my lifestyle. I didn’t look sick and I could semi-function with pain medications; but any amount of activity caused me stabbing pain in my chest. Seriously. Hot-Poker-Through-The-Chest-type of pain. It was so bad that…

Moving the “Rocking” Shed so that it Rocks No More

We get a lot of wind here in Colorado. No gentle breezes. Winds strong enough to pull whole shelters out of the ground. See the picture below. Praise God that the mama goat and her babies were uninjured and I managed to get them into the barn out of the sideways rain. Wind erosion here…

New Additions to the Homestead

It is that time of year. We go to the local Ranch and Feed store and we are greeted by the tiny peeps of newly hatched chicks. “I need a new rooster”, I tell myself. (Now does anyone really *need* a rooster?) Anyway, we have new additions on our homestead. 7 sweet birds: 4 pullets…

Young Chicken Eggs

My chickens are now 6 months old. They started laying eggs about 1 month ago. The eggs started out small in size and are now getting to be the size of a large egg. The egg shells are hard, which is good. That tells me the chickens are getting a good amount of calcium in…

Wow! What an adventure!

Several years ago, my husband and I decided we would like to homestead. These last few months brought about several changes in our lives: between moving my dad in with us and trying to find a house that would be able to accommodate his needs (i.e., no stairs). Our current house has been an amazing…