Choosing the Best Batting for Your Quilt

When it comes to quilt batting, there are several different types to choose from, each offering unique characteristics and each offering a different applications. Don’t get overwhelmed! We spend a lot of time creating our quilts – here’s the skinny on different types of batting to help you decide which to use in your next…

5500 Quilt Block Designs – The Best Quilter’s Resource

We have gone over the basic tools that Quilters use and even how to start quilting. Eventually, you will get to a point in your quilting journey where you would like to branch out and create your own designs. My most favorite resource for my Quilt Designs (other than pencils and graph paper) is a…

Aspects of Good Quilt Design to Consider to Make Beautiful Quilts

Quilt Design is the second phase of quilting as outlined in my quilting supplies post here. Anything goes with quilt design. Really. Anything. If you want a traditional looking quilt with the quilt blocks, then graph paper and colored pencils/markers (fined tipped) are all you need. There are software and apps (yes, even apps –…

Design Wall

There are many way to create a design wall. Today, I will share with you my personal favorite. What you will need: Go to Lowe’s or Home Depot or any of those construction type DIY stores and buy insulation foam board. Buy enough to cover the wall space you want to use for your design…

Sewing Room Remodel

Hey everyone! The sewing room is finally to a usable state!! I am creating curtains for our new abode in my new room. Though some of my tools are still in a box somewhere. (Moving seems to be never ending – especially, the unpacking!) Along with sewing, the new space doubles as a classroom for…

Sew Room Remodel: Lighting Update

We got the lights in!!!! Here is what the room looks like with the new lights (Picture was taken at dusk with very little/no sunlight seeping in through the windows.): Now as a reminder, here is where we started. This is the same outside lighting with the room painted: If anyone is interested, these are…

Quilting Border Design

Lately, I’ve been pondering the science behind border design — in quilting. The border is what frames your quilt – just like a picture frame for a painting. A beautiful picture in an ugly frame can make the picture ugly. A beautiful picture in an extraordinary frame can make the picture extraordinary. Even the mat…

Why make time to create?

There are many reasons to make the time to create. Usually, creating anything can be an outlet, or a break from other life-y things. When you sit down at a design table or in front of your sketchpad or behind a computer, that is your time to express whatever is in your heart. Sometimes things…

Spring-time in Colorado

All the birds are chirping. The grass is green and lush. The trees are blossoming. You begin to see the reappearance of migratory animals and hibernating animals. You begin to think about what to grow in your garden. Out of the blue the temperature tanks 40 degrees and snow returns blanketing everything in it’s gorgeous…

Project: Finish the quilt! (My latest project.)

Since I finally got all the fabric in my stash refolded, I decided that I needed to actually finish a quilt that I have been working on for the last year+. (Some progress is better than no progress!!! ?) It’s a lap sized quilt and a pattern I got from one of the batik beauty…